What if you own zero land?

There are several ways you can help with the food supply even if you have no land to grown and various way for you to connect with people who are growing food.

      1. Join The Compost Connection โ€“ Start composting and sell your compost to growers in exchange for food (or money)

          Click here to learn how you can compost indoors

        • Grow trees in buckets โ€“ Fruit and nut trees can take 3 to 10 years to start producing food. Start growing trees in a 5-gallon bucket (or something prettier) on your balcony, porch or sunny window that can be sold or traded to people who have land after theyโ€™ve already had a few years head start.
        • Grow mushrooms – mushrooms do not require sunlight, so they are a great option for indoor growing
        • Grow indoors – There are a few ways to increase yields that work really well indoors.
        • Rent land to grow on
        • Rent a tree or chicken 
        • Buy a CSA Membership – CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. It is a way of investing in a local farm, but instead of receiving shares and dividends, you receive part of the food the farm produces. This helps farmers with cashflow by providing them lump sums of cash when they need it most and transfers some of the risk to you (if the farm has a bad season, you get less food).

        • If you have an outdoor space, but the land is not suiting for growing food such as a shady yard, rocky yard, or balcony, learn how you can get more out of it here.