Our mission is to connect people who are passionate about protecting the food supply, whether they have an acreage or a studio apartment.
Learn an effective system of producing high quality compost indoors. Collect your kitchen scraps; collect your neighbors scraps. Produce valuable, nutrient-dense, microbe-rich compost then post your listing on the compost connection classified. Sell or trade your compost to local growers.
Get access to high-quality compost
If you are growing food, browse the listings for locals in your area willing to sell their compost or trade it for food.
Compost is natures way of keeping the soil fertile.
Chemical fertilizers and pesticides destroy the soil microbiome that plants rely on to extract nutrients from the soil. Most of the worlds farmland consists of dead soil that is dependent on fertilizer, something governments around the world are slowly outlawing. Compost is a natural way to return nutrient and microbiology to the soil.
Composting costs nothing and depends on no one
Food scraps will decay whether you collect them or not. We know how important it is to take care of our food supply and composting ensures those scraps are not wasted. As long as we keep eating whole foods, we can keep composting the scraps and using them to grow more whole foods and avoid becoming reliant on people that would have us eating lab-grown meat and insects.

No waste, closed loop system
What comes out of the ground goes back in. As we transition to more locally grown food, we can ensure that what we take from nature is returned.