Videos to make you think
It’s time to decentralize the food supply Can everyone have a homestead? How to afford food in Canada in 2023
How to get more out of your space
2. Go vertical – most people have heard of tower gardens but they are also not cheap, and can you actually grow anything substantial in them or are they just for herbs and lettuce? Yes, you can grow something substantial in a tower garden that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg. Here’s how. What…
Seed to Spoon This is an American app that uses American weather stations, so it works best if you live near the border. Permaculture Solutions Crop Nutrient Advisor Urban Veggie Garden Biodynamic Gardening Calendar My Vegetable Garden GLEYCO Planter – Garden Planner
Buy edible perennial trees & plants
Get a consultation from FFA Get a blueprint from FFA Many nurseries deliver, so if you can’t find what you are looking for nearby you can always check out other nurseries further away; just make sure the varieties you choose can survive in your “hardiness zone“. Certain provinces and regions do have laws restricting what…
Buy Land
Find land for sale Farm Marketer Farm Real Estate Farms.com Farms in BC BC Land matching program Get Financing FCC Agricultural Financing Services Corporation Area One Farms What else can you do? Try searching local classified and real estate listings for properties with more land using terms such as “hobby farm” or “acreage”. By a…
Preserve the food you grow
School of traditional skills – online courses including pressure canning & fermenting Simply canning – written tutorials on the various types of canning Buy a dehydrator on Amazon How to make pemmican video by 2 Guys & A cooler How to can fruit video by HowcastFoodDrink How to pressure can vegetables and other less acidic food…
Grow indoors
There a two ways to create a hydroponics system without using any power, as long as you have access to sunlight. Both systems involve raising plants in nutrient rich water as opposed to soil which has the following benefits. Increased yields: get more food from each plant Faster growth: Reduce the time it takes your…
Becoming a composter
There is more than one way to compost, but if you’re going to be composting indoors, the method we recommend is vermicomposting. Vermicomposting is a system of composting organic material via red wiggler worms that does not require stirring like most outdoor compost systems and if done properly, does not smell. Once you learn how…
Growing Mushrooms
The great thing about mushrooms is that they do not need sunlight. While they do need a little light, mushrooms actually prefer dark, shady areas. This makes them a great choice if you don’t have an outdoor space, or are trying to maximize a small space by making use of areas that don’t get enough…
Rent trees & chickens
There are only a few limited resources that we know of to rent plants and livestock. If you know of any others, please reach out to us at [email protected]. Rent a fruit true and get access to all the fruit it bears Rent a cherry tree in Creston, BC Rent an apple tree in Southern…
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